You are probably sick of reading the guidelines that your college/University gives you, and you are probably tired of reading the generic tips that other online articles give you. Here are some tips from a genuine lab report service UK on how to write lab reports for scientific subjects.
Let us start with a tip that gets professor’s pets a better mark. Ever wondered why the hot girl with the come-to-bed eyes seems to do better with her lab reports? Is it because she is sleeping with your professor? Is it because he fancies her in some way? No, her exposure to her professor’s presence is helping her learn the coolest tricks of the trade.
Let’s say that your professor gives you two weeks to write your lab report. Write a rough draft, and smarten it up a little so it looks like your final draft by proofreading it like a pro. Then, submit the paper four days after it was set, or at least a week before the deadline. If your professor is one who likes to give amendments to students, then take all of his/her notes when the paper is returned to you.
Now, you use what you wrote, your previous notes, and your professor’s notes, and you write a completely new essay. You now have a fantastic resource on what is right, wrong, and what your professor wants because of what you wrote already, because of your previous notes, a because of the amendments your professor gave you.
Loud-mouthed Lisa keeps making snarky comments in class and your professor hates her. Make no mistake, when you grow older and start making friends with professors, you are going to hear some of the awful things they say about their students. Professors are people, which means they are just as lazy, vindictive and callous as anybody. Professors will look for reasons to mark down your work if they dislike you. Become a professor’s pet by getting as much face-to-face time as you can without being creepy.
Plus, occasionally make mention that you are learning so much and that the subject is sooooo much more interesting thanks to him/her. You may now use an essay writing service and your professor will not look for indicators that you didn’t write it. For example, your professor will not call on you in class to quote bits of your report and will not test your knowledge after the fact to see if you wrote the clever things that were present in your lab report.
You need to try the politician’s move where you make a broad statement and claim it is for the betterment of human kind. Your professor probably has an agenda because he or she wants you to come to a certain conclusion. You can avoid the mistake of hitting the wrong conclusion by generalizing without being vague. You then claim, within your discussion/conclusion, that your work will help others by giving them a starting point or a foundation upon which they may conduct more tests and make stronger conclusions. The crazy thing is that such a claim is very logical on the surface, despite the fact it gets you off the hook for creating anything meaningful.
Your professor is used to seeing people pick an idea and then chase a solution. If your professor is a good one, then he or she will want you to remain as impartial as possible throughout the entire lab report process. You need to ignore your intuition and your instincts regarding your topic. There is a strong chance that you desired a certain result, but you cannot chase it. You have to be as robotic or as clinical as you can.
Your professor wants to see a certain answer. Luckily, many science professors do not have a political agenda, even if one or two of them seem to take a day out to teach you all about, “The way we are damaging nature maaaaan” (spoken in a hippy voice). If your professor does have a political agenda, then just go with it and blame the destruction of the environment on whomever fits the mould this week.
Your professor is probably going to have an agenda regarding your results. Your professor probably wants you to prove and reach the same conclusions as real scientists that came before you. It is imperative that you look up the results of other people who have conducted similar tests to find out what your professor thinks the right answer is. Plus, you can often pick up hints from your professor about what he or she thinks will happen and what the conclusion should be.
Cheating is wrong, giggle, but sometimes you can do a little harmless cheating and never get caught. To give you an example, let’s pretend you were asked to acid test different types of jewellery to find their gold content. Now, let’s say that you are given access to 600 pieces of gold and 3 different types of acid, and let’s say that you ran tests on 14 pieces of gold and you tried all 3 acids on each piece, and you tested each piece 5 times. That is a total of 210 tests (14 x 3 x 5). You run out of time and so you present your results, and your professor figures that the amount of testing you did is okay.
However, what if you claimed you worked on 24 pieces of gold. That is a total of 360 tests where you invented the results for 150 tests. So long as your average test results do not deviate from the averages you set with the first 210 tests, then what difference does it make (at least in a college/university setting)? Plus, your professor will see that you conducted 360 tests and may mark you higher for comprehensively testing the pieces.
This is a cheap trick, but it is woefully underused. You change your hypothesis and your introduction after your lab report is fully completed, and then you amend the discussion or conclusion to match. Do this and it appears as if your lab work went off without a problem and it looks as if you proved or disproved what you set out to do.
Some students use this trick by being a little vague or general when they start their lab work and lab report, and others do it by simply changing the topic/title/hypothesis and hoping the professor doesn’t notice. Even if your professor asks for your topics beforehand and asks for your research proposals, your professor is unlikely to notice if you tweak a few things after the fact.
Some students burn up hundreds of words on the method section of their lab report without realizing that it is not a great place for scoring big marks. Your professor needs to see that your tests were fair and that your methods were sound, but there are scientists out there who can do this with something short of a bullet point list. If anything, you should be as concise as possible and under-write this section, and then wait to see if your professor asks for more when he or she gives you amendment requests. Remember that it is mostly about showing that you followed procedure and that your tests were fair, accurate, and repeatable.
Over time, you will learn how to write a method section that scores higher and higher points.
Our writers have spent years creating the accurate and correctly-written lab reports for struggling students. Do not suffer in silence, simply make your order with us, and we will write your lab report for you.